Sunday, August 31, 2008

Yo peeps, Laki hast been out for the past few days. Yesterday was at Matsuri @ Vivocity. Hm...yesterday was lolita, jrockers and some other stuff. Hm...........k, if you're gonna ask me how I think of it, I'm gonna say it was not a nice event. yeah =/ like.......ya know.....uh...event planning was somewhat horrible =.= The songs were supposed to start at 3, but then but then it started at 4.30!!!! Like freakin 4.30!!! I so not going to another matsuri event anymore. EOY and Cosfest and SOY ftw! Anyways a few pics of me, Junyu, Simin, Mich and Sherlyn at Matsuri~~~

There's more on my photobucket, so go check it out if u wanna. Alright, I'm tired, cya allz~~

Laki :: devia stella :: 6:23 pm

Friday, August 29, 2008

Yep, haven't updated since soooo long. O sumimasen~~! *bows*

Let's get on with stuff then ^^ Last Tuesday, band practice started again, we tried out the SYF piece. I was playing seconds. Hm...on the overall it seemed quite alright, but the high notes I still can't reach and I haven't got used to the demi-semi quavers yet. *sigh* Nvm, with time and practice it shall come!!!

Wednesday, we had SC practice, playing Dawn of a New Day. Me playing 3rds, guiding the nice sec 1s. ^^ They're like really nice, honest! Glad I had such nice juniors ^^

Thursday, in other words yesterday, was farewell. Wei Qi couldn't come, was really sad. Ee Iyn had teacher's day rehearsal. So left Vanessa, Kai Chi, Shelley, Kai En and my 2 kawaii directs~~ Yep we exchanged presents and chatted and I guess that was about it.

For gaming, I've been hopping games lately. It was Atlantica Online last time, but currently I'm playing Wonderland online with Vash and Shiori, and AuditionSEA with Yunshu. Finally got my favourite shirt (350k den) through long training with Yunshu ^^ Then was trying out the new Club Dance 2, it felt killer, but I got to dance with some hot characters! In Wonderland Online, Vash was plvling me and I think I should really reorganize my stats, my damage is like X_X pwnz~~ I can onli do like max 20 damage. T_T After I get Cure in the magic skills, then shall I add to Int, one more level to cure! yeah!

Of course, I'm still waiting for wonderful wonderful Pristontale 2, I've been waiting for it since pri5/ pri6!!!!! do you know how omgwtf its finally out i was?! It'll probabbly only come out in 24th Nov, close beta, but who the heck cares xD i mean, it's coming out!!!

Pristontale 2 video:

Hm...for cosplay, I've been getting like really active in a few threads, the Cosplay Academy namely ^^ All of us newbs together *squish* Then I really can't wait to practise the Numa Numa dance and Caipirinha dance, but course have to wait for saku-chan to post the mirrored version of Numa Numa out then shall I learn properly xD


Numa Numa:

I'm still contemplating if I should attend Matsuri tomorrow. On one hand, it's gonna be uber cool at Vivocity with the nice scenery and stuff and I really wanna look at the merchandise! On the other hand...I worried if my Lolita set that I got from Japan is really Lolita in the first place. From the Lolita handbook, it's said Lolita skirts can't be too short. But the skirt I got just nearly cover my ass, I had to wear my PE shorts inside T.T and I doubt I can put anything like a petticoat in it. And the bodyline blouse I got is really...tight-fitting, my hair accessories should be ok (from BTSSB), but my socks merely is like Jap high school socks and I place a garter on it. My shoes ain't even proper, it's shoes =.= And my hair, omg my hair, is sooo not Lolita, pulled into 2 ponytails, and I'm not even the supposed to look cute and loli-able type of person. Sighs...should I go Matsuri tmr? No one I'm particularly close to is going though >.>

Alright, end of my...long wall of text...^^;; Time to shower and onto Wonderland Online!!!

Laki :: devia stella :: 7:54 pm

Friday, August 15, 2008

Poem #6

Demon Fire
It was a blacken death that I saw,
a charred distintive flare.
A dance of demon with the moon,
in a fiery lair.

A soaring drake blew the top,
flickering flesh and bone.
Coal raven demon black,
dancing its way back home.

Clattering chains sealed the door,
bound afire a distant corpse.
A smiling soul so merciful,
whining a deep dark mourn.

Flittering a foot the demon's lair,
so bound shalt not a sad soul.
Flaking dust dens tumbled forth,
fly away in horror my sweet.

The demon's cauldron is cold and black.
A bickering duo of dust and sacks.
Creeping fire oh so enchanting black,
burn away the darkness and dread.

Burn away the innocence,
brew across the fiery lands.
Stir the depths of hate
And destroy almighty lands.

Ah so sweet so sweet,
a demon's fire black.

I think i'm losing my mind.

Laki :: devia stella :: 11:15 pm

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Haha, helloz everyone! I really haven't been updating for quite a while, weighed down by masses of comps and pts. Sighs...Got home like at around 9 today and sat down to watch Hunter X Hunter with my parents (They wanted to rewatch >.>). Still it was interesting, seeing Kurapika fighting against the Spiders (kyaa feitan and yay killua~~!!!). Totally loves ^^ elections results were out today, ee iyn became drum major which was expected ^^, while ee iyn and shelley became SLs, which was unexpected. But I'm not really complaining or anything, just a little sad that the section was like a little odd one out coz of me. I guess my standard isn't really good, so that's why I was never considered in the first place, that's why I'm not really traumatised haha... Still, good luck to both of them in their jobs ^^ I should also start brushing up, really feeling ashamed of myself, already 3 yrs and a few months but my tone, tuning and everything's still so bad. T^T Logically speaking it's two years +, since I was like absent for half-a-year due to jaw problems last year, but still......(oh yea, there's checkup in sept, reminds reminds.)

I'll probably get down to washing Belladonna tomorrow after NDP celebrations. Oh, I was like spending a lot of time thinking about my trumpet's name after xinyi asked me wat's its name, so I decided on Belladonna, or Bells for short. It had been on my head for quite sometime now. Well, I actually wanted to wash pretty Bells today, but since was watching Hunter, I ran out of time. T.T Yay, hope Bells will become clean and sparkly tomorrow after the wash. ^^

Speaking of which, I've been wanting to pop down bugis lately. Want to get some new black and red striped hand warmers to suit the new clothes match I have in mind. It's gonna look pretty, I swear. Then I was wondering if I should ask mum for permission to go to Matsuri@Vivo on 30th August. I heard it was some small scale event, but a lot of people I know are going, hrm.....

Then then, I somehow got a fetish for Sweet Lolita. The pink and dolls feeling are getting to my head, it's like totally screaming 'kawaii'. But it's like real expensive and I should be starting to watch my budget, I need some for cosplay too!!! (And I really hope people will start to understand that lolita is not cosplay, but a subculture fashion. >.<) Sighs.

And I was wondering what cosplays I should do next year. I'm already doing like Ume from Air Gear at EOY this year, it's gonna be a blast, hope I don't cosf**k. I wouldn't want to be flamed. I really wonder if my dieting scheme is working, I've only lost 2.5kg since the start of July, haix......Oh and I was really wondering if I should try out Yuki Yaya from Shugo Chara next year, or maybe Elizabeth from Kuroshitsuji, or maybe Aisha from Koihime Musou? xD Yaya would be fun to do, but then my mum would be pissed of by the hair colour. Then Elizabeth's costume is...X_X Aisha is complicated too, and a little more revealing than I would like. =/ hrmmmm...................still better consider first, last resort would be Ururu from Bleach or Hinata from Naruto I guess.

Ah, I've been also been quite bothered bout the lack of company at home lately. I wish there's a nice MMO I can play. I really want to play Darkness and Light again, it was like the best game I've played, ever. I would mind even paying monthly for it, as a matter of fact, but then Asiasoft just had to close it downdue to lack of profits or bandwidths (merely assumptions so could be fallacious), sighs...Then was like seeing the preview of Blade and Soul. AND IM FREAKIN ADDICTED TO IT!!! Can't wait for it to be released. (kyaa) I think I'll be the little wolf kid char, so cute~~

And there goes my mum nagging caused I closed down the window when she came into the room to peek at what I was doing. Like lol? I only like closed it down coz I didin't want her to start lecturing me on like I shouldn't bother about trivial stuff like this and get her worried about the band stuff. And there she goes, saying to my dad in the other room VERY LOUDLY, "You know how obedient her cousins are? I wish she can be like them, but she's getting worst and worst. Her cousin is getting more obedient and getting better grades already, I really envy her father. But she (referring to me) is just getting worst and see how her grades drop? See lah, I see next time whether she regret being so bad in future." I mean, hello? I try to save you from worrying bout me and you start lecturing me on how guai my cousins are and start comparing marks. *rolls eyes* And why are you comparing me with them?!?! Not to be discriminating or anything, but our school exams are like on a different level? I took a glance through at the sample papers for my cousin's school and I was like, wtf, so easy? (I did the first few and last few questions and got full marks for it =.=) I'm not smart really, REALLY, only 2.7 for GPA midyear, and I'm not boasting bout anything, but I really want her to stop comparing me with my cousins when she don't even understand the difference.

Won't be posting a poem up today, I'm bit over emotional, (gonna go sob in the toilet for some reason, not saying). alright, good night everyone, happy ndp~~

Laki :: devia stella :: 10:19 pm


:: Laki ::

:: RGS Student ::
RGS Symphonic Band Trumpeter

:: RI(JC) Student ::
BW 06 G'ingerbread
Raffles Chorale Alto 1
Audio Visual Unit
Raffles Japanese Cultural Club

:: Avid Online Gamer ::
Pristontale Priestess - Phoenica
Pristontale Priestress - Zaria
MapleGlobal Magician - Firaga
MapleSEA Cleric - xXLakiraXx
MapleSEA Bandit - SilverFay
Gunbound - FiragaRage
Last Chaos Healer - Zaria
Gates to Heaven Healer - Zaria
RebirthRO High Priest - AlyssaHime
DalSEA - XiaoLaki
SealOnline Pure INT Priest - Lazuli
AuditionSEA Fake Novice - Frostberry
CabalSEA Force Archer - TigerLily
Fairyland Priest - XiaoLaki
Aglaia Magician - XiaoLaki
rPT Priestess - XiaoLaki
Holic Priest/Rogue - LittleLaki
Atlantica Shaman - Laki
Wonderland Online - Laki
Nostale Sorcerer - Laki
Latale Water Mage - Laki
MegaTen Online - Laki
BlackoutRO Gypsy - Laki
DotA Garena - Sweet_Laki
RappelzSEA Priest - Laki
DekaronSEA Segnale - Laki
RF Bellato Chandra - Laki
eRO2 Clown - Laki
DOMO Sylph Doctor - Laki
Ether Saga Shenzu Mystic - Laki
Holy Beast Dog Healer - Laki
DragonicaSEA Oracle - Laki
Emil Chronicle Bard - Laki
PWI Barbarian - Luine
PWI Cleric - Luini
League of Legends - Laki
W3kSEA Crusader - Laki
GrandFantasia Cleric - Laki
AikaGlobal Cleric - Lamini
MonsterForestSEA - Laki
MapleSEA Evan - Lamini
Pristontale2 Priestess - Lamini
Lunia Eir - Luini
Battle of Immortals Heretic - Laki
Kitsu Saga Watermoon - Seifer
Iris Sage - Lamini
Forsaken World Priest - Airis
AikaSEA Cleric - Lamini
Eden Eternal Cleric - Lamini
DragonNestSEA Cleric - Lamini
Realm of the Titans - Lamini
Prius Online Orchestrator - Lamini
Rusty Hearts Angela - Laki
War of Immortals Heretic - Luini
War of Immortals Enchantress - Laki

:: Amateur Cosplayer ::
#1 Konoka Konoe (Mahou Sensei Negima)
#2 Shiraume Noyamano (Air Gear)
#3 Kaiko Shion (Vocaloid Original)
#4 Kaiko Shion (Vocaloid Meltdown)
#5 Azuki Miho (Bakuman)
#6 Ryuugu Rena (Higurashi)
#7 May (Guiilty Gear)
#8 Yami Bakura (Yugioh)
#9 Bakura (Yugioh)
#10 Konoe (Lamento)

:: Rising Voice Actor ::
VAC - LittleLaki
VAA - LittleLaki
Youtube - LittleLaki

:: Happy Manga Translator ::
Sugooi Scans Translator - LittleLaki


[+]Li Yunshu



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