Friday, May 23, 2008

Yay, today's the day I'm leaving Singapore. I won't be able to update my blog for 2 weeks. So please, everyone, don't forget me! I'll be missing everyone yeah, so please miss me too!

Sorry, Laki's emoing T.T Well then, SAYONARA!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember! Laki loves ya~~

Laki :: devia stella :: 5:02 pm

Friday, May 16, 2008

Walah~~1 more week to my vacation (or long-anticipated trip) to Japan!!! Today was the briefing, and I seriously learnt loads, hope I can remember what the teachers told us >.< I'm so excited!

Tmr's gonna be AV camp yea, but leaving early for VAC. AM looking forward to the lesson, I love VAC!!!!! Ok, blogging little today, gonna go watch the Haru video later, so anticipating <3

Should I restart playing cabal? It's really a drag yeah, but then again, I wanna have cool skills D:

Laki :: devia stella :: 8:46 pm

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Pretty Kitty Jeh made de Cabal video, the one I love best! Minna, go take a lookie at jeh's video, very pro worhh~~

Laki feels a bit bad norh, dunno how long didn't go in Cabal le. Must go back check in with the guild sometime. I hope Ragnarok 2 comes out soon, can't wait to play seriously.

Today was once more depressing, getting back marks and stuff. My english, chemistry and physics was simply horrible. Must work hard! Surprisingly my social studies turned out quite well.

Oh wells, there's mama nagging for me to go shower. See ya!

Laki :: devia stella :: 8:14 pm

Friday, May 09, 2008

Such a sad day today. I am literally shedding tears. A lost chocolate bar and a rag of dirt.

I had fun cleaning the computers for my class today (well i AM the av rep after all). gosh, the amount of dirt. >.<

ok...stare at this
it just got stolen by one of the brats.
sigh...depressed, won't write more today.

Laki :: devia stella :: 8:31 pm

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Laki's mood today:

Ok...I usually don't like to complain about more sensitive issues (eg. sch stuff), but seriously, it's getting waaay out of hand this time. You know, usually after exams, students (EVEN the Singaporean students that lead stressful lives and are on the risk of suicide everyday) has an exam break when the teachers have their marking days of the dreaded examinations. =) That we all look forward to, the bright light shining before us, leading us out of the darkness realm of examinations and school work and school activities. Unfortunately my school admins don't seem to partake in our joy and literally pulled us back into the shadows.

Exams just finished for us on the happy 7th May, everyone smiles. The normal students slack around and relax and forget the worries of the world on today, 8th May. We all look forward to our one and only declared marking day 9th May, where we would be freed of the demonic grasp of school. THEN, the big bombshell, that engulfs us back in darkness. Read the school website in the morning, and literally fell off my chair (ouch, i twisted my ankle), we MUST report to school on the beautiful-and-looked-forward marking day. ^^ (LIKE WHAT THE HECK? THEY THINK WE'RE SO FREE? THEY THINK WE LOVE SCHOOL SO MUCH WE PREFER IT OVER BREAK? LIKE TOTALLY DOTSSSSSSS.)

They, the admins, dropped the bomb, stating we must return to the darkness realm (school of course) for spring cleaning. =) (omg, bloody **** we're not the pawns of life, the to-be-abused slaves, the ones capable of handling stress for every day of our whole lives. Our light of hope must be diminished to spring clean the darkness realm?!?!?!?!) So sad indeed, we suffered throughout all terms, every day we spent on our studies, hoping to finally reap our reward and in turn enjoy our childhood just a tiny little bit, and instead of awarding us our well-deserved breaktime, the school admins decided to take away 1 day of our already-fading childhood. Ah, the horror, the sadness, the unfairness, the injustice. Life is truly not worth living.

Laki is sad, and she is lamenting.
How unfair the world is.

Laki :: devia stella :: 11:27 pm

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Today's the last day of exams and went out with Kathryn to vivo to get some mother's day stuff. Firstly went to Akashi for lunch. Her parents treated me, i was like sooo >.< After that bought a bracelet and mum said, "So disappointed in you, I never knew my daughter become an ah lian". Hello? Even my online friends say it looks too childish and innocent and to ma it's ah lian? -.- mum ah...the older generation liao...

Anyways, after that, Kathryn and me went to Toy'R'Us, it was like toy haven. Next to precious thoughts, buy mum's day present. Then went to daiso and i bought some door hangings. Then went to pet shop and saw the dogs. Then went to the sky park and took photos of the beautiful scenery *love* 'Still Doll', Vampire Knight, feeling dead. But ahhh, so pretty music.

Came back that time found the toilet bowl clogged with all the toilet roll in the toilet. Must be one of those crazy idiots Randy or Kunleng. Ah wells. I know Kunleng was in a bad mood today, screaming and singing out of tune (omg the horror, music is disgraced by the likes of him) and shouting like some lunatic escaped from prison and is a bragger and a liar. Randy himself is a liar and a prankster, having stolen some of my house's toys and turned off the bathroom heater and turned on my dad's electrical power on his experiments (and denied all of it flat out when he was simply caught red-handed in action). Hard to say which of them did it, it's quite infuriating really the way those lunatics behave. Society is omg failing. When my mum told Kunleng's mum about his lunatic behaviour today, and said she should beat him, he said 'I report you for child abuse.' Like hahaha, child abuse, he got lawyer ah? He think he so full-proof? I mean, come on, child abuse coz a mum beats him for being as bad as a crazy chimpanzee. Hahaha, what shallow education. I wonder what primary school teaches this days, child abuse coz of beating for a bad behaviour. Laugh til stomach pain. I hate those egoistic young kids, believe they know everything and in the end get everything wrong. Lmao. What they sow is what they reap I guess. *Laugh* Man, gonna kill those brats one day, see how I don't.

Kimchi hotpot for the dinner then and gonna go play holic with Yunshu <333333


"Laki ain't gonna go easy on ya. See, she's angry."

Laki :: devia stella :: 6:33 pm

Saturday, May 03, 2008


Start of a new month (though late by 3 days). Hm...unfortunately the middle of exam periods. I still have chinese, physics, biology and maths. Curses. Oops. Ah wells, no can do. Staring at the prices and wigs of cosplays and still hoping mum will let me do some elaborate charas. Sigh...all the best Laki!!!

And yay, I finally discovered Wonderful Wonder World <33 Ah ze chesire cat is omg freakin hot <333333


Laki :: devia stella :: 7:14 pm


:: Laki ::

:: RGS Student ::
RGS Symphonic Band Trumpeter

:: RI(JC) Student ::
BW 06 G'ingerbread
Raffles Chorale Alto 1
Audio Visual Unit
Raffles Japanese Cultural Club

:: Avid Online Gamer ::
Pristontale Priestess - Phoenica
Pristontale Priestress - Zaria
MapleGlobal Magician - Firaga
MapleSEA Cleric - xXLakiraXx
MapleSEA Bandit - SilverFay
Gunbound - FiragaRage
Last Chaos Healer - Zaria
Gates to Heaven Healer - Zaria
RebirthRO High Priest - AlyssaHime
DalSEA - XiaoLaki
SealOnline Pure INT Priest - Lazuli
AuditionSEA Fake Novice - Frostberry
CabalSEA Force Archer - TigerLily
Fairyland Priest - XiaoLaki
Aglaia Magician - XiaoLaki
rPT Priestess - XiaoLaki
Holic Priest/Rogue - LittleLaki
Atlantica Shaman - Laki
Wonderland Online - Laki
Nostale Sorcerer - Laki
Latale Water Mage - Laki
MegaTen Online - Laki
BlackoutRO Gypsy - Laki
DotA Garena - Sweet_Laki
RappelzSEA Priest - Laki
DekaronSEA Segnale - Laki
RF Bellato Chandra - Laki
eRO2 Clown - Laki
DOMO Sylph Doctor - Laki
Ether Saga Shenzu Mystic - Laki
Holy Beast Dog Healer - Laki
DragonicaSEA Oracle - Laki
Emil Chronicle Bard - Laki
PWI Barbarian - Luine
PWI Cleric - Luini
League of Legends - Laki
W3kSEA Crusader - Laki
GrandFantasia Cleric - Laki
AikaGlobal Cleric - Lamini
MonsterForestSEA - Laki
MapleSEA Evan - Lamini
Pristontale2 Priestess - Lamini
Lunia Eir - Luini
Battle of Immortals Heretic - Laki
Kitsu Saga Watermoon - Seifer
Iris Sage - Lamini
Forsaken World Priest - Airis
AikaSEA Cleric - Lamini
Eden Eternal Cleric - Lamini
DragonNestSEA Cleric - Lamini
Realm of the Titans - Lamini
Prius Online Orchestrator - Lamini
Rusty Hearts Angela - Laki
War of Immortals Heretic - Luini
War of Immortals Enchantress - Laki

:: Amateur Cosplayer ::
#1 Konoka Konoe (Mahou Sensei Negima)
#2 Shiraume Noyamano (Air Gear)
#3 Kaiko Shion (Vocaloid Original)
#4 Kaiko Shion (Vocaloid Meltdown)
#5 Azuki Miho (Bakuman)
#6 Ryuugu Rena (Higurashi)
#7 May (Guiilty Gear)
#8 Yami Bakura (Yugioh)
#9 Bakura (Yugioh)
#10 Konoe (Lamento)

:: Rising Voice Actor ::
VAC - LittleLaki
VAA - LittleLaki
Youtube - LittleLaki

:: Happy Manga Translator ::
Sugooi Scans Translator - LittleLaki


[+]Li Yunshu



April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
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