Friday, April 25, 2008

25th month minus 2 days before i go for a 2 week long trip to japan. simply can't wait <33

stressing over studies the past few days, my only really long break today T.T so touched, so touched. i shall enjoy my break with my dying will >=D


is my names offically gaki now? -.- kiddy me.

and...i suddenly got crazy over victorian styles. i saw the beautiful victorian fantasy artwork on someone's wall opposite my gran's house. it was breathtaking. So beautiful, so beautiful. The history, the long dead past, the mystical world that lies in the other dimension. That was how I felt when i saw it. It was as if somebody painted the gateway to the other world, where the heaven and paradise lies, yet the long lost reminiscense, the nostalgia, the hope to escape this cruel world; the speckle of loneliness, the calling of stars, a romantic night. It was all in that picture. I want to see it again, see it again so much. I want to fall in love with that dimension, where the deers and fauns dance, where the centuars gaze at the stars with their all knowing look, where the sirens, harpies and mermaids do their respective rituals in the mystical ocean, where the dragon breeds its young in the lush green forest. I want to go there, I want to stay there, I want to live there and rid myself of this human lust and greed.

sorry, got poetic. but it was so beautiful, that picture, it clearly brought out how I felt. Ah...true art, true love, thus so romantic. No matter the technology in this world, I want to believe, there's such a world out there, out there in the other galaxies......

Laki :: devia stella :: 8:39 pm

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ok, haven't updated for so long. I'm not planning on having a schedule anymore, makes me feel like a bird in a cage. Yep. Recent stuff that happened.

1. PFT 2.4km on Friday 18th Apr
Ok, I felt so doomed. I got 18mins exact for the 2.4km. Makes me feel friggin weak, but ah wells, that's why you get from sitting in front of the computer for 3/4 of your life so far. Strangely I blanked out on my 4th round ya know, it was weird, I can't rmb a thing then. Maybe I fell asleep or had amnesia? I even forgot that I fell down on the 5th round until Kathryn told me about it. I only remembered Rebecca dragging me for my 6th round. Almost died then seriously...but I'm glad a lot of ppl helped me out when I finished. I just slumped on the ground. Yea...thank you Rebecca, Celeste, Kathryn, Mabel, Jiahe and all the others who helped and were concerned for me...thanks.

2. VAC on Saturday 19th Apr
77 star moved to a new place and well, as usual, I got lost on the way there. Gave a call to Yuu nee-sama and finally got there. There's a new teacher, Tony~~! It was kind of a fun lesson, we did some nice stuff and yea, so on. And we asked about his hat. ^^ So funny.

3. Tuition on Sunday 20th Apr usual, study. Nth much to be said.

4. E-learning Day Monday 21st Apr
Argh, I wasted so much time playing MapleStory. Arghhhhh.

Yeah, I guess that's about it. I just got back fangirling over Asakura Hao-sama <33 Omg, he's like totally <333333333s. Ahhh. Oh wells, back to study!!!

Laki :: devia stella :: 8:37 pm

Thursday, April 17, 2008 too stressed to say much today. Tomorrow will be almost the same, but with rest, hopefully. Im tired......

Laki :: devia stella :: 11:06 pm

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 do I say......slack? Today was kinda slack, or maybe because I was dizzy and couldn't concentrate, lalala~~Chem practical was weird, Geog lesson was hot and Maths was eternally stare stare stare. Somehow started a weird daydream of having a tiger named Wane for a friend. Hm......

Schedule for Tomorrow
6.00am - Wake up, breakfast and necessities.
6.30am - Head out on Dad's car, Take a nap.
7.00am - In school. Check up make sure no more work.
7.20am to 2.45pm - School.
3.15pm - CCA.
6.30pm - End CCA, Go home on Dad's car.
7.10pm - Home. Shower.
7.30pm - Dinner.
8.00pm - Blog on the day after's schedule.
8.30pm* - Finished any homework. If none, read up Social Studies.
9.15pm* - Finish all work. RS Research or if haven't, Social Studies.
10.00pm* - Done with everything. Pack bag.
10.05pm** - Maple.
10.30pm** - End Maple. Get ready for bed.
10.45pm* - Sleep.

*May be subjected to changed due to overwhelming workload.
**May be shortened due to overwhelming workload.
(Latest time to be in bed is 11.30pm)

Guess it'll be almost the same as Tuesday.

Laki :: devia stella :: 7:14 pm

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Back again. Say HI to my newest maple character, my darling SilverFay!!! I spent 20 minutes rolling for a suitable stat and now her stat is STR 4, DEX 9, INT 4, LUK 8. That was the most perfect I could find. Oh wells.

Today's totally screwed, my schedule is like x.x and I feel like dying seriously. My dad was late by an hour in fetching me from school. Feel so down sigh...Morning there was RS presentation, I totally forgot to check inet, thank goodness Kathryn did. I saw the presentations on Mangrove plantations and sea-grass monitering. Quite interesting really, took down some notes. English lesson did some connectors stuff. Assembly hm...I saw a few 'friends' getting booked for wearing culottes. Imo, kinda bad. They put the announcement on inet and didn't tell us?! My 'friends' all complaining. Still, it was quite a fine assembly. A presentation on the OSL. It was really really interesting.

Oh yeah, the school bell was screwed today too. 10 minutes late for everything. Made us had an extra 20 minutes of Geography coz the teacher didn't see the clock. Ah wells...Chinese and Math were quite screwed too, I forgot to bring my worksheets. Hey, you can't blame me, there was a change in timetable and I didn't know if it was odd or even week. zzzz. Here's the schedule for tomorrow then.

Schedule for tomorrow
6.00am - Wake up, breakfast and necessities.
6.30am - Head out on Dad's car, listen to Ipod.
7.00am - In school. Check up make sure no more work.
7.20am to 2.45pm - School.
3.15pm - CCA.
5.30pm - End CCA. Go home by bus.
6.30pm - Home. Shower.
6.40pm - Check out the internet. Blog on the day after's schedule.
7.00pm - Dinner.
7.40pm* - Finish any homework. If none, revise Biology.
9.00pm* - Finished homework. If haven't done, Biology. If not, practise Maths.
9.45pm* - Done with everything. Pack bag.
10.00pm** - Maple
10.45pm** - End Maple. Get ready for bed.
10.55pm* - Sleep.

*May be subjected to changed due to overwhelming workload.
**May be shortened due to overwhelming workload.
(Latest time to be in bed is 11.30pm)

Done. Going to be a nice day tomorrow!

Laki :: devia stella :: 8:46 pm

Monday, April 14, 2008

Ahh~~a nice break today. School declared holiday because some of the girls in our school did rather well. Imo, not really a holiday, I still had to go for 3rd language.'s kind of weird, I even had a 3rd language exam today. Composition. X.X sigh...

Woke up at 8.15am today. Rolled around the bed for some stretches and went off to brush teeth at 8.30am. Came out for breakfast at 9am. Chocolate bread from the store at central, quite nice. Watched 'Digimon Savers' at the same time. Finished 2 episodes and started reading japanese composition book at 10am. Finished reading at 12pm. Waited for lunch and called Yunshu for a chat on MapleStory. Decided to create a nice new character, a bandit, using funds from my xXLakiraXx. Hung up after chat and ate lunch. Cuttlefish porridge, yummy~~Watched digimon savers again, downloading Maplestory at the same time. Done at 3pm.

Packed bag and showered. Set off for language centre at 3.30pm. Bus came and I dropped off at 4pm. Waited for 15 minutes for the stupid bus 53. Reached language centre at 4.20pm. Sat in a corner and waited to get into the classroom. Had a chat with Samantha about sleeping. Went up the class and did my exam. Break time at 5.35pm. Went down to grab a Kinder Brueno for $1.50 and got up to class and listened to my ipod (Kotoko, Railway;Wing My Way) and emoed awhile. Teacher came and continued lesson 31. -wondering where my project mates are- Lesson ended at 6.30pm. Had a chat with sensei on Seiyuus. Went down the stairs, emoing and reached the carpark -it was wet seriously...- Drove off and went to Shell for a refuel. Looked for crossiant, none though -sad- Went home and ate dinner. Fried fish fillet, Amaranth, Salty Tofu Soup and Rice. Finished at 7. 45pm. Blogging. -the blog clock is screwed!!! screwed ya hear me???!!!-

Planning to start my pretty bandit later. Going to study weathering for geography from 8.30pm to 9.45pm. Pack bag. Start mapling at 10pm. End at 10.30pm. Tidy up and sleep by 10.45pm.

Schedule for tomorrow
6.00am - Wake up, breakfast and necessities.
6.30am - Head out on Dad's car, Take a nap.
7.00am - In school. Check up make sure no more work, ask Celeste for chemistry.
7.20am to 2.45pm - School.
3.15pm - CCA.
6.30pm - End CCA, Go home on Dad's car.
7.10pm - Home. Shower.
7.30pm - Dinner.
8.00pm - Blog on the day after's schedule.
8.30pm* - Finished any homework. If none, read chemistry notes on Titration.
9.15pm* - Finish all work. RS Research or if haven't, Chemistry.
10.00pm* - Done with everything. Pack bag.
10.05pm** - Maple.
10.30pm** - End Maple. Get ready for bed.
10.45pm* - Sleep.

*May be subjected to changed due to overwhelming workload.
**May be shortened due to overwhelming workload.
(Latest time to be in bed is 11.30pm)

Done. That's my schedule for tomorrow. Looking forward to starting it.

Laki :: devia stella :: 7:49 pm

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Today I'm reopening my blog~~!!! Whee~~hopefully I can blog about more and more stuff and keep this going on and on and on haha. ^^ I'll be editing this blogskin a bit more, so bear with me ok? <33

Laki :: devia stella :: 10:26 pm


:: Laki ::

:: RGS Student ::
RGS Symphonic Band Trumpeter

:: RI(JC) Student ::
BW 06 G'ingerbread
Raffles Chorale Alto 1
Audio Visual Unit
Raffles Japanese Cultural Club

:: Avid Online Gamer ::
Pristontale Priestess - Phoenica
Pristontale Priestress - Zaria
MapleGlobal Magician - Firaga
MapleSEA Cleric - xXLakiraXx
MapleSEA Bandit - SilverFay
Gunbound - FiragaRage
Last Chaos Healer - Zaria
Gates to Heaven Healer - Zaria
RebirthRO High Priest - AlyssaHime
DalSEA - XiaoLaki
SealOnline Pure INT Priest - Lazuli
AuditionSEA Fake Novice - Frostberry
CabalSEA Force Archer - TigerLily
Fairyland Priest - XiaoLaki
Aglaia Magician - XiaoLaki
rPT Priestess - XiaoLaki
Holic Priest/Rogue - LittleLaki
Atlantica Shaman - Laki
Wonderland Online - Laki
Nostale Sorcerer - Laki
Latale Water Mage - Laki
MegaTen Online - Laki
BlackoutRO Gypsy - Laki
DotA Garena - Sweet_Laki
RappelzSEA Priest - Laki
DekaronSEA Segnale - Laki
RF Bellato Chandra - Laki
eRO2 Clown - Laki
DOMO Sylph Doctor - Laki
Ether Saga Shenzu Mystic - Laki
Holy Beast Dog Healer - Laki
DragonicaSEA Oracle - Laki
Emil Chronicle Bard - Laki
PWI Barbarian - Luine
PWI Cleric - Luini
League of Legends - Laki
W3kSEA Crusader - Laki
GrandFantasia Cleric - Laki
AikaGlobal Cleric - Lamini
MonsterForestSEA - Laki
MapleSEA Evan - Lamini
Pristontale2 Priestess - Lamini
Lunia Eir - Luini
Battle of Immortals Heretic - Laki
Kitsu Saga Watermoon - Seifer
Iris Sage - Lamini
Forsaken World Priest - Airis
AikaSEA Cleric - Lamini
Eden Eternal Cleric - Lamini
DragonNestSEA Cleric - Lamini
Realm of the Titans - Lamini
Prius Online Orchestrator - Lamini
Rusty Hearts Angela - Laki
War of Immortals Heretic - Luini
War of Immortals Enchantress - Laki

:: Amateur Cosplayer ::
#1 Konoka Konoe (Mahou Sensei Negima)
#2 Shiraume Noyamano (Air Gear)
#3 Kaiko Shion (Vocaloid Original)
#4 Kaiko Shion (Vocaloid Meltdown)
#5 Azuki Miho (Bakuman)
#6 Ryuugu Rena (Higurashi)
#7 May (Guiilty Gear)
#8 Yami Bakura (Yugioh)
#9 Bakura (Yugioh)
#10 Konoe (Lamento)

:: Rising Voice Actor ::
VAC - LittleLaki
VAA - LittleLaki
Youtube - LittleLaki

:: Happy Manga Translator ::
Sugooi Scans Translator - LittleLaki


[+]Li Yunshu



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